Heroes of Simonton Beach: Key West Officers Awarded for Daring Water Rescue

Key West Police Chief Sean Brandenburg, during a recent awards ceremony hosted by the Grand Key Resort, recognized three officers with the Lifesaving Award.

In the early morning hours of April 28th, officers responded to a report by a hotel guest who could see headlights in the water at Simonton Beach. Officers Cameron Ua, Elam Thornbrugh, and Corey Vanderhoof jumped in the water, broke the side window and extricated the driver immediately and without hesitation. The driver of the vehicle — who was later arrested for DUI — was very thankful and expressed his gratitude. He said he was sinking and could not get out of the car on his own. He had accepted he was going to die and, right as he was going under, the officers pulled him out.

“Had it not been for the quick action of all officers involved,” said Chief Brandenburg, “this man would have perished. Their selfless professionalism and excellent decision-making capabilities bring distinguished professional recognition to the Department.”

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