Florida Keys Mosquito Control District Board Approves Annual Millage Rate and Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District’s (FKMCD) five-member board convened a Public Hearing Tuesday, September 17 and approved an adjusted millage rate and budget for fiscal year (FY) 2024-2025.
The FKMCD board approved an annual millage rate of 0.4344 for FY 2024-2025 which begins October 1, 2024.
The rate, which is the same as FY2023-2024 millage rate, represents a 9.87 percent increase in revenue and is expected to generate approximately $20 million to operate the agency for the next year.
FKMCD officials say the FY 24-25 budget allows the District to maintain effective, proactive mosquito control services throughout the county. The majority of the increased revenue represents increases in chemical costs as well as funding for continued, necessary upgrades to its aerial fleet.
FKMCD also remains committed to innovation within the mosquito control industry by researching and testing the viability of novel mosquito control measures and prioritizing the protection of public health.
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