WELCOME BACK! Works from Sharon McCauley and Letty Nowak Opens October 3rd at JAG Gallery

THE PIER Sharon McGauley oil on canvas 36 x 36 in.

Key West’s JAG Gallery notes the opening of an all new season with WELCOME BACK!, on October 3rd.  The exhibit marks not only the return of former Key West artist Sharon McGauley with a new collection of her signature richly layered evocative oils seen in galleries and private collections internationally, but an artistic reunion with her long time friend and fellow artist, Jag Gallery founder Letty Nowak, a partnership which originally lead to the opening of the former Bahama Village art space Lemonade Stand Art Studio  in 2001.

Celebrate the new season and preview WELCOME BACK! at a gallery reception to meet the artists on Thursday October 3rd from 5:30 – 7:30.  Gallery events are free and open to the public.  For additional information/inquiries contact the gallery at [email protected] or by phone at 305.407.6202

Long considered a top Key West destination offering carefully curated exhibits of fine, contemporary art showcasing work of prominent and emerging artists from Key West and beyond, Jag Gallery is located at 1075 Duval Street, with ample, no fee parking at the Simonton Street entrance to Duval Square.

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