Key West Police Arrest Fugitive Hunter Allen Chadwell for Armed Carjacking and Parole Violation

On September 14th, the Key West Police Department Bravo Day Shift arrested 27-year-old fugitive, Hunter Allen Chadwell, for armed carjacking, battery, and a parole violation reference a weapons offense.

The Key West Police Department received a tip from the Leesburg Police Department with information that Chadwell was believed to be in Key West. Within an hour of receiving the information, officers located Chadwell in the downtown area. A group of officers converged on Chadwell’s location and safely took him into custody.

While in custody, Hunter Chadwell told officers his first name was Christian and that they were in fact looking for his brother. Fortunately, Hunter’s tattooed appearance was very distinguishable, and officers were confident in their identification. Chadwell was transported to the Monroe County Detention Center on the original warrant as well as a local charge of providing false information to law enforcement officers.

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