Commissioners Lissette Carey and Jimmy Weekley, Lt. Andrew Perez, Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman, and Commissioners Clayton Lopez and Billy Wardlow. Lt. Jones was unable to attend. Commissioner Mary Lou Hoover was in attendance via Zoom.

Two KWFD Members Honored for Years of Service

The City of Key West and the City Commission this month recognized two members of the Key West Fire Department for 15 years of dedicated service to the community.

Lt. Wesley Jones came to the department as a firefighter/paramedic in 2009. In 2016 he transferred to the Fire Marshal’s division as a Lieutenant Fire Inspector. Later he transferred to the fire suppression division as a driver/engineer. Lt. Jones is certified as a State of Florida Paramedic, Fire Inspector, Fire Instructor, Fire Investigator, a Hazmat Tech, and is a member of the Hazmat and Dive teams.

Lt. Andrew Perez started as firefighter/EMT in 2009 and was promoted to lieutenant in 2021. He is a State of Florida certified Paramedic, Fire Officer, Fire Inspector, Live Fire Training, Fire Instructor, Fire Investigator, Pump Operator, a Hazmat Tech, and a member of the Hazmat team and USAR teams.

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