Following the Revolutionary War, Lafayette returned to France. He visited the U.S. again in 1824 and remained for a period of time visiting many parts of the nation he helped found. During his journey, he renewed friendships with many of our Founding Fathers and former Presidents.

When he returned to France, he brought with him a bag full of earth shoveled from Bunker Hill. When Lafayette died at the age of 74 in 1834, his son scattered that dirt atop Lafayette’s coffin together with French soil so that “The Hero of Two Worlds” could be laid to rest in American and French soil as he had requested.

To further evidence the love and respect Lafayette had for the new nation, he named his son who scattered the soils together George Washington Lafayette.

Trump is being criticized for calling a civilian medal “much better” than a military award.

The criticism is properly placed.

A civilian award could in some limited circumstance be a superior one. What I don’t know, but would not close the door.

On the other hand, a military award is generally superior in that it portends one putting his or her life in danger for love of country.

Harris responded to Trump’s statement. Her response accurate: “Trump knows nothing about service to anyone or anything but himself.”

So true!

Trump is in decline: His interviews and lies get worse. He truly has nothing of value to offer the American public. His time is passing.

One of the significant differences between Biden and Trump was pumping oil. Biden pledged when they ran against each other there would be “no more” drilling. He drilled. As Trump had before him. Even more.

It’s a delicate problem. Balancing pollution and climate change. There is the economy to consider. Even with the U.S. producing more oil than any other country ever has, even Saudi Arabia and Russia, the cost of groceries and gas at the pump have to be considered. If Harris is elected as I assume she will. She will have to come up with some sort of “balanced plan” so both the economic and climate concerns are dealt with at the same time.

A hot issue for Harris during the campaign. She must be honest with the voters, even if it causes her to lose some votes. She will lose fewer votes with a “BALANCD PLAN.” Most people in the final analysis will understand Harris is merely doing what has to be done  to help in two sensitive areas.

Now to odd ball Vance. A bad choice by Trump. A good choice for Harris.

Joanne Coles, Chief Creative and Content Officer for Daily Beast said, “JD Vance is the new Sarah Palin.”

Wowie! Trump has enough problems with Vance without this comparison.

Truth is truth, however. No matter how much it hurts.

Love Vance! Last week it was Vance in drag while in college. This week it’s Vance in high school standing in a men’s lavatory by the side of three girls pretending to use urinals as they peed.

A happy group in the photo!

It was “so good,” it was run in the 2003 Middletown High School Yearbook.

Ukraine’s swift push into the Krusk region shocked Russia and exposed its vulnerabilities.

Keep it up Ukraine!

A year ago, Jimmy Buffett passed on. Locally and immediately, Paul Menta and Jordan Upchurch orchestrated a send-off celebration. A celebration of love.

They contacted Howard Livingston to help lead in Buffett’s “Margaritaville” in front of Margaritaville.

This year Just A Few Friends is planning another event. This one bigger and better. If last year’s can be better.

This year’s event will be several days. It begins Sunday September 1 at 5 pm at the Truman Waterfront Park. More Buffett songs will be sung. Everyone involved wants to be sure Buffett hears the joy and happiness he gave them being shared back to him one year after his leaving.

Key West singers and songwriters C.W. Colt, Caffeine Carl and Howard Livingston will showcase the event.

Miss it not!

There has been a sense of less tourists in recent months. Hotel prices the cause? Definitely a contributing factor. Way too high.

What about the cost of restaurant food? A Citizens’ Voice comment this morning addressed the issue: “Restaurants here have lost their minds. It seems like menu prices increase weekly. Do we really think spaghetti and meat sauce is worth $38? Do we really think $19 sliders are a happy deal? No wonder visitors are not returning. Inflation is under 3 percent. Your greed is unlimited.”

I was going to CVS for my COVID and flu shot yesterday. Then read that updated COVID is up for final approval this week and should be available the following. Ergo, I am waiting. Getting nervous, however. Everyone I know getting hit again. I never have and would like to avoid it completely.

Enjoy your day!

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