Man arrested for sexual battery

A 42-year-old Marathon, Florida man was arrested Thursday for having consensual sexual relations with a female minor who was 16 at the time of the incident.

Marc Anthony Fanelle was charged with sexual battery.

The arrest follows a Sheriff’s Office investigation involving the incident that occurred this year between Fanelle and the minor.


Man arrested for threats

A 73-year-old Key Largo, Florida man was arrested Wednesday for threatening to kill construction workers who were parked near his residence. There were no physical injuries reported.

John Bennett Lincoln was charged with intimidation, extortion, and disturbing the peace.

A construction company provided the Sheriff’s Office with video and a voice mail message in which Lincoln can be seen/heard threatening to shoot and kill workers, set a work truck on fire, among other expletive-laden threats.

A warrant was obtained and Lincoln was booked into jail on Wednesday.

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