COVID 2024

By Fred C. Klein

I am presently recovering from my second, lifetime, case of Covid and the unpleasant experience warrants a cautionary blog.

Last Wednesday night, after burning the candle at both ends for too long, I ventured into the city for our annual rooftop (thank you Sylvie) New York Health & Aging Summer meeting.

I hitched a ride with Ben Geizhals along with wife Flo, Odey Raviv and my granddaughter Maggie.

I had no symptoms, but felt run down.

I enjoyed the night mixing with many Gothamites old and new, spending most of the night outdoors on the beautiful Maison Beljanski terrace.

When I got home I was spent and felt something coming on through the night.  I tested positive in the morning, contacted my doctor and was soon taking the Paxlovid he prescribed.

I determined to give myself the best chance to recover and therefore rested as best I could, passing on swimming and other exercise.

I immediately notified everyone I came into contact with Wednesday night and fortunately, to date, none, other than Flo, Odey and Ben, have tested positive.   Thus, Maggie and Joanne are, so far, unscathed.

I am very sorry for infecting those above and those I endangered!

I think I contracted the virus at an indoor Hot Tuna concert the previous Sunday night.

Some observations:

Paxlovid dulls one’s taste

Consider testing when run down

Cover your mouth when coughing

Consider wearing a mask

Stay away from indoor concerts

PS: Ironic that it unfolded at the New York Health and Aging Group!

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