Sheriff’s Office to roll out new website

Monroe County Sheriff Rick Ramsay announced Wednesday the Sheriff’s Office website — — will be getting a fresh, mobile-friendly, modern look that users will notice this week.

The new website will still contain all the popular features and tabs that the previous website offered, with updates throughout.

Overseas Media Group, a locally owned and operated digital marketing agency specializing in web design and development, social media, and online enhancement in the Florida Keys, worked extensively with the Sheriff’s Office in designing the new website.

“I’m excited to bring this new, modern website online and I want to thank our IT Department here at the Sheriff’s Office for their hard work as well our friends at Overseas Media Group who really stepped up to the plate when I approached them about this project,” said Sheriff Rick Ramsay. “This is what strong community partnerships are all about.”

Users who have specific tabs bookmarked from the previous website are encouraged to change those bookmarks when the website goes up within the next 48 hours. The URL remains the same:

Users are still encouraged to download our mobile app for smartphones at the Apple Store or Google Play. It’s features remain unchanged. Users can also follow us online at Facebook, X, Instagram, and YouTube.

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