Monroe County State Attorney’s Office Announces Conviction in Key West Stabbing Case

The Monroe County State Attorney’s Office announces the conviction of Zak M. Zank for the attempted manslaughter of Wade Morgan, stemming from the June 23, 2023, stabbing incident in Key West. The swift and efficient response by the Key West Police Department, fire and rescue personnel, and Trauma Star played a crucial role in bringing this case to justice.

On the evening of June 23, 2023, officers responded to a medical assist call after reports that Mr. Morgan had been stabbed by an unknown assailant near the Key West Library. The assailant, later identified as Zak M. Zank was apprehended at Sunbeam Grocery, 500 White Street, following a comprehensive search led by Sergeant Rodriguez and his team.

Mr. Morgan, who sustained a serious stab wound to the right side of his chest, was initially treated at the Lower Keys Medical Center before being airlifted to Jackson South Medical Center in Miami via Trauma Star.

After failing to prevail on a ‘stand your ground’ motion, Mr. Zank plead open to the court on the charge of Attempted Manslaughter By Act and was adjudicated guilty, receiving a sentence of four years in state prison along with court costs, by Judge Mark Jones.

State Attorney Dennis Ward praised the coordinated efforts of the various agencies involved. “This case highlights the exceptional dedication and cooperation of the Key West Police Department, paramedics, and Trauma Star. Their prompt actions not only saved Mr. Morgan’s life but also ensured that a dangerous individual was swiftly brought to justice. Our community is safer because of their outstanding work.”

Assistant State Attorney Carter J. Reeves, who prosecuted the case, emphasized the importance of the evidence collected and the thorough investigation conducted by the police. “The diligent efforts of our law enforcement officers in gathering evidence and promptly locating Mr. Zank was instrumental in contributing to the strength of this case. Their professionalism and attention to detail insured that justice was served for Mr. Morgan and his family”

The Monroe County State Attorney’s Office remains committed to upholding the law and ensuring the safety and security of all residents. The conviction of Zak M. Zank underscores our dedication to pursuing justice and holding offenders accountable for their actions.

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