JAG Gallery Presents In Conversation With…Erika Heffernan & Mark Hedden 

Jag Gallery announces another in its series of gallery talks welcoming award winning Key West photographers Erika Heffernan and Mark Hedden currently on view in LOOKING OUT AND UP on Wednesday July 24th at 5:30 pm.

Join us on the 24th for wine and artistic wisdom as the artists discuss their collections on view through July 31st.  Gallery events are free and all are welcome.

Considered a top destination featuring fine, contemporary art showcasing work of prominent artists from Key west and beyond, Jag Gallery is located at the Simonton Street entrance to Duval Square, 1075 Duval Street with ample, free parking.  Gallery hours are Tuesday through Sunday noon – 5 and always by appointment.  For additional information call 305.407.6202 or email [email protected] and follow us on Facebook and  Instagram at jaggallery.art.

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