The New York Times on monday published a scathing guest essay on former President Trump. Just 2 days after the attempted assassination of the Republican nominee. The article was written by Opinion writer Elizabeth Spiers: “This is not an election with a wrongful but well-meaning Republican. It is an all-out war with an illiberal megalomaniac who will happily destroy American democracy if it buys him one more ounce of power and keeps him out of prison.”

Trump has toned down since the assassination attempt. Word has it he is rewriting his acceptance speech to reflect a softer and kinder Trump.

Don’t buy it. A leopard does not change his spots.

A 2016 message that Vance sent to an old college friend has emerged. In it Vance said Trump could end up being “America’s Hitler” and might be “a cynical asshole like Nixon.”

After Vance kissed up to Trump, Trump supported him in his 2022 Ohio Senate race. He must have impressed Trump greatly. Here it is 2 years later and Trump makes Vance his Vice President choice.

Vance is an authoritarian. Same as Trump. It is necessary to examine some of Vance’s authoritarian views.

He believes Trump’s stolen election lie. He has called for the criminal investigation of a journalist he did not like. He advocates politicizing the federal bureaucracy. He believes Presidents can simply ignore the law.

CNN commentator Van Jones’ comment re Nikki Haley at the Republican convention last night was right on. He said, she “looked like she had been made to attend” her ex-husband’s wedding and give a toast. Jones added, “She was miserable saying it and Trump was miserable hearing it. So all that stuff did not work at all.”

Teamster President Sean O’Brien gave a terrific speech at the Republican Convention. In effect, one supporting Trump though he did not spell it out that clearly.

He should be ashamed. Biden has been the “union President.” What compelled O’Brien to be a turncoat, I do not understand.

So far the Teamsters Union has endorsed no one and may not. Whatever, it still “shit” for O’Brien to do what he did.

Liz Cheney said it correctly yesterday: The Republican Party is “no longer the party of Lincoln.”

Chris Matthews said, “President Biden has good reason to be resentful of his treatment by his former boss. “Meaning Obama, of course, who has been reported to be a moving force in getting Biden replaced on the ticket.”

Some Key West updates.

The Annual Key West Hemingway Days Festival began yesterday and runs through sunday.

To me, the Running of the Bulls is the most exciting event. Followed closely by the Hemingway Look-A- Like Contest. Roughly 150 men will compete to be the Hemingway Look-A-Like. In the many years I have been a Key West resident, I have met many. Winners and losers. Always exciting.

Key West will be full. Duval shoulder to shoulder at most times.


Prior to July 16, 1994, there were no jets landing in Key West. A 100 passenger British Aerospace 146 jet owned by the Trans American Charter Co. landed its jet that day at the Key West Airport. The purpose was to prove that such aircraft was acceptable in terms of noise and size.

Now, we have too many jets coming and going. It seems like we are always spending millions in tax dollars to increase the size of the airport.

The town is overloaded with tourists.

We have outdone ourselves. To our increasing detriment.

A TYPICAL Key West screw up reflected in yesterday’s Citizens’ Voice: “So, let me get this straight. The ports director is now the acting city manager because the former assistant city manager who resigned and then was named interim city manager when the city manager was fired immediately went on vacation. My question is who is watching the harbor?”

The man recently bitten by a shark off Key West has been identified. He is 37 year old Jose Angel Abreu Hernandez of Opa-Locka.

The incident took place on Toppino Reef – a popular snorkeling and shallow scuba diving site located 5 miles off Key West. Jose had just speared a fish and was returning to his boat with it when he was struck.

No information was available as to Jose’s condition.

Tired already. Only around one in the afternoon. I had physio at 8. Back was killing me. Ashley resolved the problem. Then some banking and a visit to my storage facility. All contributed to today’s blog being late. Sorry.

Enjoy your day!

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