Mercy for Marlins! PETA Asks Key West to Display Fish Empathy Quilt Ahead of Fishing Tournament

Today, ahead of the annual Key West Marlin Tournament—one of the largest fishing competitions in the U.S.—PETA sent a letter to Key West Mayor Teri Johnston offering to donate the group’s first-of-its-kind Fish Empathy Quilt for the city to display in order to counteract the violence of fishing and promote compassion toward fish. PETA’s quilt has made a splash nationwide, including during a monthlong stay at Eureka City Hall in California—and if Key West agrees to be the quilt’s next stop, PETA will arrange for a delivery of delicious fish-free fillets.
Panels from PETA’s Fish Empathy Quilt. Credit: PETA
“Fish are smart, social animals who feel pain and fear and value their own lives just as much as the anglers trying to hook them value theirs,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “PETA hopes Key West will stand behind the kind message of this quilt, help tip the scales toward compassion, and pay tribute to the billions of aquatic animals killed each year in the fishing industry.”
The Fish Empathy Quilt measures more than 300 square feet and is composed of over 100 unique, handcrafted squares from PETA members and supporters, including cartoonist Harry Bliss and oceanographic explorer and film producer Jean-Michel Cousteau.
PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—points out that Every Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. The group also offers a free vegan starter kit on its website. For more information, please visit or follow the group on XFacebook, or Instagram.
I can be reached at 518-466-6815 or [email protected]. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
PETA’s letter to Johnston follows.
July 15, 2024
The Honorable Teri Johnston
Mayor of Key West
Dear Mayor Johnston:
Hello! I’m writing on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals—PETA entities have more than 9 million members and supporters worldwide, including hundreds of thousands in Florida—ahead of the Key West Marlin Tournament. To help Key West residents and visitors have compassion for fish, we’d love to loan a thought-provoking item to display at Key West City Hall or elsewhere in the city: the world’s first and only Fish Empathy Quilt. It has been well received wherever it has been cast ashore and has made quite a splash in towns from California to Alaska. Will you agree to having it land in Key West?
The quilt is a vibrant, creative depiction of marine life. It features more than 100 unique squares contributed by individuals from around the country, including a few famous ones, such as cartoonist Harry Bliss and French oceanographer Jean-Michel Cousteau. Collectively, they’ve created an artwork that continues to grow as people’s sensitivity to the plight of animals increases. It consists of six sections of varying dimensions, which can be displayed separately or clipped together as one large exhibit (over 300 square feet).
As you may know, fish are sensitive animals with complex nervous systems, and it’s extremely painful for them to be hooked through their mouths, which contain many nerve endings. Just like dogs and cats—and humans, for that matter—fish have individual personalities. They communicate with each other, show affection by gently rubbing against one another, and are extremely resourceful and intelligent. Ever-more people are concerned these days about the unsustainable global fishing industry, and the market for vegan seafood is projected to reach $1.6 billion in the next 10 years. More and more people now realize that fish deserve to be treated with kindness, and PETA’s Fish Empathy Quilt beautifully reflects this awareness.
In November, three of the quilt’s panels were exhibited outside the Council Chambers at Eureka City Hall in California. Key West would be the quilt’s perfect next stop! We’d be delighted to send you some delicious vegan fish fillets along with the quilt. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
Ingrid Newkirk
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