The U.S. Supreme Court has gone totally off base in the Immunity decision it rendered yesterday. The decision permits a President to break the law with impunity. Official acts will be deemed off limits to prosecution.

Trump received a free ticket to most of the charges pending against him in the January 6 case pending in Washington D.C.  He caused/precipitated the Capitol riot and is going to get away with it.

Justice Sotomayor wrote a scathing dissent. Pulled no punches. News reports state that she turned sideways in her seat and looked directly at Chief Justice Roberts who wrote the majority decision. He never looked at her, stared straight ahead.

Sotomayor said: The ruling makes a President a “king above the law.” She also wrote the “decision to grant former Presidents criminal immunity reshapes the institution of the Presidency. It makes a mockery of the principle, foundation to our Constitution and system of Government, that no man is above the law.”

Simply, an American President could not commit crimes/break the law with impunity. Now he can. Trump has to be thrilled. And if he is elected, he will have a field day “doing what once was wrong” in getting even as he has threatened.

We have never had such a decision since day one in this country. Didn’t need it. Good men knew right from wrong and avoided the wrong. Until Trump, of course. Evil is as evil does. He is a sick, corrupt man. And we may be stuck with him again!

The Supreme Court made another bum decision this past week. Involves a Reagan-era doctrine which made interpretations of federal agency laws by agency personnel and not courts. No running to the courts for interpretations. Moved matters along quickly and cheaply,

No more.

The Supreme Court said friday disputes must be settled in the courts. Two immediate results. Disputes will take longer to resolve (extremely much longer) and will be more costly to all involved.

Another consideration the Supreme Court did not even mention. Probably did not even consider. The federal court system is already overloaded. As is the Supreme Court. I can recall when I was practicing as far back as the late 1960’s and found on motion days in federal court the judges never leaving the bench all day. They ate a sandwich and drank a can of soda while sitting in open court working. Still that bad today!

The Supreme Court is nuts! Also have become political hacks! The only way to phrase it.

An example of how things worked and now will work. From 1980 on with the establishment of the EPA as a powerful entity, certain cases were huge. The kind I handled. Cases having a value in millions and billions. Important cases. Most took 5-10 years to complete.

Legal questions arose constantly. It was not uncommon for many parties to be involved. Lawyers 20-30 or more

Many of my cases  were handled directly by EPA’s New York City offices on lower Broadway. Many the case I spent sitting in an EPA conference room holding 30-40 lawyers at one huge conference table working the case on a daily basis. Some cases I spent as much as 3 consecutive weeks, day by day,  working a case in New York in that atmosphere.

If a legal question arose, the EPA attorney sitting there with us would decide. Arguments were quickly made and decided. That was the end of the issue and we moved on.

No special paper work, no court appearance, no months of delay each time.

All will be different now. Tons of paper, much court time for arguing, insufficient court rooms, not enough judges.

The system worked. Why did they change it?

Most of the Supreme Court members have to go or have their power diminished!

Enjoy your day!

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