What it took to feed Key Westers in 1886: Fifteen turtles and eleven cattle were butchered each day.

Businesses have changed in Key West over time. Cigar making was a big business in 1923. The cigars were sold in wood boxes. When completed, the boxes were referred to as “cigar boxes.”

On this day in 1923, the 700 ton four-masted schooner Marie J. Thompson arrived in Key West from Cuba with 50,000 feet of cedar logs for delivery to a Key West cigar box factory. The wood to be made into cigar boxes.

Key West resident Col. Floyd J. “Jim” Thompson was held captive by the Viet Cong for 3,278 days. The time involved represented the longest P.O.W. detainment in American history.

I ask again. What happened to the Sunshine Law in Key West? Does it apply to the “firing attempt” by 2-3 Commissioners of City Manager Albert Childress?

If the Commission members acted “in secret,” should the Commissioners be charged under the Sunshine Law?

No one talks about whether the Sunshine Law is applicable. The silence is stunning!

Moving on.

Scottie Scheffler won the Travelers Golf Championship yesterday. Beat Tom Kim in a one hole playoff.

The victory was Scheffler’s sixth win of the season. Phenomenal! The last time a professional golfer accomplished such a feat this early in the season was Arnold Palmer in 1962.

In 2012, French beekeepers in a certain area ran into a odd mystery. Besides yellow, honey portions of bee hives contained honey colored blue and green.



Beekeepers finally discovered M&M candy containers were to blame. Bees were visiting a local M&M candy plant. The bees were sucking up the residue from containers in the M&M plant.

Is Donald Trump in cognitive decline? Renowned psychotherapist Dr. John Gartner believes Trump is a mental case.

Gartner believes Trump’s threat to American democracy and national security is explicit and pressing. He views Trump as a Russian operative, a lifelong criminal, and a danger to the free world.

The French people are upset with the cost of cleaning up the River Seine for the Paris Olympics in July. After spending in excess of $1 billion to clean up the Seine, the river still shows the water too dirty to swim in. The Olympic triathlon and open water swimming events are scheduled to take place in the river. Two kinds of fecal bacteria, including e-coli, do not meet Olympic standards.

The French government has 5 weeks to complete a cleanup. Will it succeed? If not, where will the water sport competitions be held?

Have to hustle. An 8 o’clock physiotherapy appointment.

Enjoy your day!

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