Monroe County State Attorney’s Office Announces Sentencing in Wildlife Protection Case

The Monroe County State Attorney’s Office today announced the sentencing of an individual charged with wildlife protection violations. On February 8, 2024, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office issued a notice to appear to Christopher Smith, which constitutes an actual arrest without jail detainment, requiring a promise to appear in court. Mr. Smith was charged with: Possession of Snook out of season and Possession of Undersized Snook.

Christopher Smith, failed to appear for the scheduled hearing. Consequently, on March 27, 2024, Judge Morgan issued a bench warrant for Smith’s arrest, setting the bond at $20,000.00.

Upon subsequent proceedings, Smith pleaded no contest to the charges and was adjudicated guilty. Judge Morgan sentenced Smith to:

– 25 hours of community service
– 3 days in jail for each count
– Completion of a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation (FWC) Course
– 6 months probation for each count
– Payment of court costs and fines

State Attorney Dennis Ward, who prosecuted the case, emphasized the importance of upholding wildlife laws. “I am personally invested in the protection of our fragile ecosystem and the preservation of our natural resources. The illegal possession of Snook, particularly out of season and undersized, poses a serious threat to the sustainability of this species and our local environment. Failing to appear for your court hearing has significant consequences, as demonstrated in this case. My hope is that the message is clear: compliance with wildlife protection laws and court orders is imperative. We will continue to vigorously prosecute those who violate these regulations to ensure that our natural resources are preserved for future generations”

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