Diving With a Purpose and NOAA Archaeological Mapping Project 2024

From June 10 – June 15, 2024, twenty-one instructors and advocates from the not-for-profit organization Diving With a Purpose (DWP) will join NOAA researchers from Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary to document a shipwreck at French Reef off of Key Largo, Florida. The shipwreck is one of more than 800 historical sites located within sanctuary waters and appears to be the remains of a late-nineteenth century sailing vessel. The shipwreck is in 20 feet of water. Little is known about this shipwreck so the team’s underwater mapping efforts will hopefully reveal its history. DWP and NOAA researchers have collaborated for over a decade to investigate underwater cultural heritage and discover untold stories of Florida Keys history. Members of the media can meet the team on Thursday, June 13, at the Key Largo Public Library, where they will be drawing their underwater mapping results.

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