Who the hell do these guys think they are? I’m referring to Thomas and Alito. Thomas has committed multiple missteps over the years. Alito, also.

Last week the New York Times came up with the inverted flag at Alito’s home a few years ago. Bad taste! Alito blamed it on his wife. Her fault, he said.

Yesterday, the New York Times came up with another “flag.” This one a flag that was on display January 6, 2021 during the attack on the Capitol. The flag was flown for four days outside Alito’s beach vacation home in New Jersey last summer.

Again the Times had photos and interviews with neighbors. The flag is a symbol for Donald Trump supporters.

The flag is known as the Appeal to Heaven flag, aka the Pine Tree flag. Again, it was seen during the attack on the Capitol.

Alito and the Supreme Court have been asked for comment. No response as yet.

House Speaker Johnson faced blowback for displaying the same flag outside his office last year before assuming the Speakership. The Appeal to Heaven flag remains outside his Speaker’s office up to and including yesterday.

The Supreme Court is delaying Trump cases to the detriment of Jack Smith’s prosecution cases. No reason for it, except slowing things down to help Trump. A poor reflection on the Supreme Court. Does not reflect fairness. Contributes to the Court’s increased negativism in people’s eyes.

What has happened to the Supreme Court? The Court is disrespecting the people’s belief in Justice and Justice itself by playing political games.

Someone, do something!

Trump’s craziness continues. And at a time when a significant number of Americans want him as President.

Two days ago on May 21, Trump stood outside court and claimed people were being “mugged and killed” in an angry speech aimed at District Attorney Alvin Bragg. He said, “Did you see how many people from his office are out there while people are being mugged and killed outside? Never seen anything like it in my life.”

False, of course.

Trump’s MAGA followers have been fewer and fewer in New York City in front of the court house as the case is being heard. Especially in the last 10 days since Stormy Daniels testified.

The disappearing supporters have been replaced with Congressional persons and well known Trump people.

Trump’s statements might be more worthwhile were he a Broadway or movie producer rather that a candidate for President.

Trump however is not running for President, he’s running for dictator.

Enough of Donald.

To Golf.

The plot thickens. In the Scottie Scheffler incident, the police officer involved’s body cam was off twice. First at the time of initial contact between Officer Gillis and Scheffler. Then at the actual time of Scheffler’s arrest.

Louisville police are required to activate their cameras “prior to engaging in all law enforcement activities and encounters.”

Napoleon and the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa once hung in his bedroom.

Shortly after declaring himself Emperor of France, Napoleon pulled one of the biggest power moves in the history of art collecting. He had the Mona Lisa moved to his private bedchamber for his own personal viewing pleasure.

He was taken by the Mona Lisa.. He referred to her as “Madame Lisa” and the “Sphinx of the Occident.” He would lie and stare at her for long periods of time.

The Mona Lisa hung in Napoleon’s bedroom for 4 years, until it was moved to the Grand Gallery of the Louvre Museum in 1804.

Twenty five years ago in 1999, the movie Notting Hill premiered starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. A touching love story that took place in London.

I loved the movie and have been fortunate to have viewed it several times. The movie acquired international fame and continues to be enjoyed by all who watch it.

The movie is rated number 4 in top romantic films of all time.

If the opportunity arises to watch it, do so. You’ll “love” the movie!

Busy day ahead. Doctor visit this morning, haircut  at noon, and a manicure at one. Followed by a visit to Date & Thyme for a Monkey Smoothie.

Enjoy your day!

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