The Grand Happy Hour is one of the finest in Key West. Price wise and food wise. Limited to locals. Appetizers and drinks half price from 4-6 pm monday through friday. The appetizers meals in themselves. All delicious.

Tuesaday is my day to go. Matt bartends that day. The best! I attend with Steve and Cindy Thompson.

I was there again last night. Unfortunately, my meal is limited as it has been since the last day of January when my heart attack caused me to pass out on the street. Face first.  The impact screwed up my bottom implants. Later lost my upper denture in the ambulance as I was puking. I have been without teeth since. Which means I have not been eating properly. Cannot chew. Limits me to soup and very soft foods.

At The Grand, it is tomato soup. Their’s a thick delicious soup. Served in a large bowl.

Mount Sinai’s valve heart doctors said I could not have dental repair of the implants till May 22 at the earliest. Has something to do with blood being a part of the process and mouth germs could cause another heart attack.

I have only recently began prep work re new dentures. Non cutting procedures. I am excited. Not only the not eating part, also my mouth sinks in, I tend to slur a bit, and also inadvertently spit on occasion.  Not a nice situation.

The one benefit is I have lost weight. Fifty eight pounds!

Time to begin considering the replacement or conducting major repairs to the Seven Mile Bridge. The Keys bridge of bridges!

The bridge was completed 42 years ago in 1982. It took four years to complete.

Reconstruction, etc. is not imminent. A first meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss, etc. the project. The meeting will be chaired by the Florida Department of Transportation. Held at the Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas Highway, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. The meeting will be in person, virtual and broadcast on MCTV-76. The first step in planning the extremely large project.

Boating was less than safe in the early days of Key West. In 1843 for example, 3 large commercial vessels carrying valuable cargos  were wrecked on reefs near Key West on May 15.

Years ago, cargo was “strange” and “different” from today. On this day in 1893, the sloop Gregory arrived at Key West after a two week excursion to the Dog Rocks on the Cay Sal Bank. The crew brought 4,000 bird eggs and 2,600 whelks. All of which garnered a good sum when sold.

Memorable Key West street name changes. On this day in 1961, Thirteenth Street was changed to Kennedy Drive and Fifth Street to Macmillan Drive. Each to commemorate the meeting of Presidnet John Kennedy and British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan in Key West.

The anti-Israel War began this day in 1948, within hours of the announcement of the new state of Israel. Israel was attacked by Transjordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon.

Mickey Mouse arrives!

Mickey Mouse’s first appearance in front of a public audience was this day in 1928 in a test screening of the short “Plane Crazy.”

A compatriot of mine age wise enjoys her birthday today. Italian actor-singer Anna Maria Alberghetti is 88 years old.

Confusion has arisen re commemorating a special day to honor Jimmy Buffett.

The State of Florida announced August 30, 2024 would be that day and August 30 each succeeding year. Jimmy Buffett Day!


Suddenly someone has suggested December 25 be the day designated to honor Jimmy Buffett. The thought has caught hold with many people. A crazy idea!

December 25 belongs to one person alone. Jesus Christ. Let’s not confuse things.

There is reason for the December 25 suggestion. However not explained. Jimmy Buffett was born on December 25. So was Humphrey Bogart, Anwar Sadat, Cab Calloway, Larry Csonka, and others.

Leave well enough alone! December 25 belongs to Jesus Christ. Others born that day can celebrate to a lesser degree. Buffett already has his day by Act of the Florida Legislature: August 30.

The winner of the annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show was not one of the favorites. Sage, a three year old coifed miniature poodle, won over favorites which included a German shepherd, Afghan hound, and a schnauzer.

It doesn’t only happen in horse races!

I reported yesterday Red Lobster had closed “without notice” some 40 restaurants. Money problems. Reports later in the day advised the number of restaurants closed to at least 50 and that workers were “blindsided” by the abrupt closings. They had no prior warning of the possibility.

It was reported that one plane struck another after landing while taxing at Palm Beach International Airport just after 1 am sunday morning. Yesterday, it was further reported the private Boeing 757 that clipped a smaller parked plane was Donald Trump’s private jet Trump Force One.

Key West’s hot weather continues. Afternoons are heavy! Extremely hot!

Enjoy your day!

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