Montessori Education Week Proclamation

How many kids can you fit into the Commission Chambers at City Hall? It’s hard to say, but last week about 160 kids arrived to accept a proclamation for Montessori Education Week. Students and teachers from May Sands and the Children’s School – along with family – poured into the chambers for a photo op.

“Education is the cornerstone of a thriving and vibrant community, shaping the minds and futures of our youth,” reads the proclamation. “The Montessori educational philosophy, founded by Dr. Maria Montessori, has been a beacon of innovation and excellence, fostering the development of independent, creative, and lifelong learners since the early 1900’s.

“Montessori Education Week provides an opportunity to celebrate the principles of curiosity, self-directed learning, and the holistic development of the child, aligning with the values cherished by our community.”

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