By Fred C. Klein

orig_blog_4208_0.png (800×800)Last Friday we saw our friend, Erin McKenna, a Long Island girl transplanted to Key West, perform at iconic Williams Hall.

It was the first Williams Hall theatrical production, “Bombshell”, a 5 act, one woman show starring Erin and directed by her friend Jeremy (The Cat) Zoma .

During the arc of the show, Erin transforms herself from a competitive high school talent show contestant, to a bride and then to a dowdy 77 Year old widow who busies herself as a reader for the disabled.

What stoked me most was Erin portraying the dowdy widow reading to a handsome (unseeing) younger man.  As Sensually enacted by Erin, the 77 year old widow becomes inflamed in a Lady Chatterly situation, coming under the influence of his requested seductive reading piece.

Just Erin being a Bombshell!

“Tour de force” comes to mind and I yearn to see it again.  Maybe Jeremy and Erin can take it on the road…

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