
By Fred C. Klein

As you may know, this blog is written from far away Key West (an Island under the protection of Uncle Sam) and, to let you in on a secret, it’s a little different down here.

They call it the KONK Republic based on a bizarrely unsuccessful attempt to secede from the Union. It was fueled by a populist pervasive passion for non conformity.

Do I belong here? Draw your own conclusions 🙂

I know I’m happy here in Paradise with Joanne and Charcoal.

Which brings me to the subject of being busy.

One of the things I do every morning is put Charcoal in my bike basket and take her for a bike ride to sample and savor our unique semi tropical environment.

The other day we passed 2 locals busily engaged in conversation and we heard one say to the other “I’m busy, wasting time.”

How Key West (and wonderful)!

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