A Captain Morgan Masquerade March group pays tribute to Key West’s most flamboyant jogger, Douglas Miller, also known as “Red Zorro” and “The Flag Man.” (Photo: Carol Tedesco/FantasyFest.com)

Thousands fill historic Old Town Key West streets for the 2023 Fantasy Fest Captain Morgan Masquerade March

The 2023 “Uniforms & Unicorns—200 Years of Sailing into Fantasy” themed Fantasy Fest masking and costuming festival continued on Friday, October 27, with the spectacularly popular Captain Morgan Masquerade March.

The moving display of many thousands of creatively costumed people kicked off at Truman Ave. and Francis St. and proceeded through Old Town Key West, with opportunities to pause along the route for photo ops and adult beverage samples served at participating guest houses. Fantasy Fest 2023 is presented in part by the Monroe County Tourist Development Council and We’ve Got the Keys. For more information visit http://www.fantasyfest.com.


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