Keys Last Stand Launches Membership Drive Alongside Updated Branding and Community Social Media Take-Over

Key West, FL October 9, 2023 -, Keys Last Stand is launching a new membership drive in response to recent unprecedented environmental crises in the Florida Keys. Devastating coral bleaching aggravated by poor nearshore water quality, insufficient hurricane evacuation modeling, and the lack of affordable workplace housing are behind the urgent call to action to the community.

Alongside the drive for new members, Last Stand is launching a new website, updating branding and logos and reinvesting in their commitment to the protection and sustainability of The Florida Keys and Key West.

Ann Olsen, President of Keys Last Stand, expressed, “This rebranding isn’t merely a fresh coat of paint; it’s our reinvigorated commitment to our foundational values. As a community, we face urgent pressing challenges and this membership drive is an example of much needed collective community action.”

On October 11, Keys Last Stand will be orchestrating a community-wide digital “take-over.” Members, supporters, and residents are urged to share the new logo on their social media profiles, symbolizing a unified stance in raising environmental awareness and showcasing their pride and support.

Since 1987, Keys Last Stand has dedicated itself to safeguarding and enhancing the unique quality of life in the Florida Keys. Through advocacy for responsible land development, commitment to water quality improvement, and efforts to promote affordable workforce housing, Last Stand has played a pivotal role in nurturing community progress and environmental preservation.

The iconic name “Last Stand” coupled with its bugle logo has consistently represented the organization’s resilience and tenacity. With this rejuvenated branding and community engagement, Keys Last Stand renews its pledge to advocate for, preserve, and protect the Florida Keys.

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