CFK Poetics 2023 will feature poet James Davis May on October 12.

College invites community to CFK Poetics

KEY WEST, FL, October 4, 2023—The College of the Florida Keys (CFK) invites the community to attend its CFK Poetics event on October 12 at 6 p.m. at the Tennessee Willliams Theatre on the Key West Campus. The annual visiting poets activity will feature a live reading from acclaimed poet James Davis May. He will read some of his works and take questions from the audience. The event is free for all attendees.

The featured poet, May, is the author of two poetry collections, both published by Louisiana State University Press. Unquiet Things was released in 2016 and Unusually Grand Ideas was released in 2023. His poems and essays have appeared in 32 PoemsThe Georgia ReviewLiterary HubNew England ReviewThe Southern ReviewThe Sun, and other journals. May has received fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference. Originally from Pittsburgh, he now lives in Macon, Georgia, where he directs the creative writing program at Mercer University.

CFK Poetics is a series that aims to develop awareness of and immersion in the humanities landscape by connecting students and the community with poetry on the national level in a way that is immediate to their own experiences. Since 2019, visiting poets have come to CFK or appeared virtually to share their work and have conversations with the student body as well as the community at large. Formerly featured poets include B.H. Fairchild, Chelsea Rathburn, Richard Blanco, and Ross Gay.

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