National Hispanic Heritage Month: Red Cross Seeks Volunteers to Help Serve Latino Communities in South Florida and Beyond 

MIAMI, FLA September 20, 2023 – This National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 to October 15) the American Red Cross Greater Miami and the Keys Chapter recognizes the contributions of the hundreds of Latino and Hispanic employees, volunteers and donors who give their talent, time and treasure to the Red Cross humanitarian mission. In fact, more than 52% of Red Cross team members from the area, mostly volunteers, speak Spanish.

“The Red Cross is proud to be a part of the rich Latino heritage and tradition here in South Florida,” said Tiffany Gonzalez, Communications Director, South Florida Red Cross “and even more proud of the extraordinary people who serve our organization representing so many different countries and cultures, who mirror the diverse populations we serve.”

The Red Cross is looking for more bilingual residents to join as volunteers to work with and support Latino and Hispanic communities, to help them prepare for emergencies and to help better meet their needs after disaster strikes. 

Join the South Florida Red Cross

Those interested in learning more about Red Cross volunteer opportunities can visit,

Latino Engagement 

As part of their on-going outreach to Latino and Hispanic communities, the Red Cross has a Latino Engagement Team who works to ensure that Red Cross services—emergency relief and recovery after disasters, free smoke alarms, preparedness education, and more—reach the communities where language and other barriers might impede support. This is carried out locally in South Florida and, when needed, these volunteers can deploy nationally to carry out this work. Latino Engagement Team volunteers perform the core community engagement activities for the Red Cross. This role requires cultural competency, knowledge of the Red Cross, and a willingness to be the face of the Red Cross in the community.

“As a Latina I know firsthand how navigating cultures and languages can be challenging. During an emergency it is even harder as the stress and anxiety build,” said Ximena Poblete, Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross South Florida Region and member of the Latino Engagement team. “This is why the role of Latino Engagement Team member is so important. We are part of the communities we are helping. We help ensure you can receive information in your own language, from trusted partners, to help you with the relief and recovery process.” 

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