Key West Police Chief Honors Those Who Supported the Department in Mourning the Loss of Lou, the Beloved Mounted Unit Horse

Dr. Geraldine Diethelm accepting the Key West Police Department’s thanks on behalf of herself and her husband, Dr. Doug Mader.

In a recent awards ceremony hosted by the Grand Key Resort, Key West Police Chief Sean Brandenburg recognizing the people who helped the Department when the Mounted Unit’s Percheron/paint horse Lou passed away last February.

Lou was a valued member of the Department since Dr. Lou Spelios donated him in 2018.

“We want to extend our immense appreciation and gratitude,” said Chief Brandenburg, “to those who went out of their way to help us during our time of need.”

He presented a special plaque to veterinarians Doctors Doug Mader and Geraldine Diethelm.

In addition, appreciation plaques were awarded to Waste Management’s Greg Sullivan as well as Key West staffers Rod Delostrinos, Marcus Davila, Ralph Major, Richard Sarver, and Paul Cassidy.

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