City Clerk Keri O’Brien, City Attorney Ron Ramsingh, City Manager Al Childress, Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman, Mayor Teri Johnston, and Commissioners Clayton Lopez, Billy Wardlow, and Lissette Carey.

Frederick Douglass Community Center Groundbreaking

City officials and the community gathered on Friday to kick off the construction of the new Frederick Douglass Community Center with a groundbreaking ceremony.

The project will replace the entire wing off the Douglass Gym, located in Bahama Village on Olivia Street.

This $8 million dollar project will house the renowned Bahama Village Music Program, providing a platform for budding musicians.

The center’s design will accommodate sports, art, learning, and social activities. It will host after-school tutoring, adult education, nutrition education, and small business incubation. This hub will feature a learning center, a senior activity area, a 2,600 square foot main hall, and an event kitchen.

The Community Center is expected to be up and running by January of 2025.

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