Monroe County Solid Waste’s Cheryl Sullivan, Mike Basham, and Taylor Reid join MCSO’s Sargent Linda Mixon, Detective Swire, and Detective Fierro, in front of a residential area filled with household debris.

Monroe County Solid Waste and Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Clean Up Rockland Key

ROCKLAND KEY, FL – On Thursday, Aug. 17, Monroe County Solid Waste Management staff teamed up with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office to clean up unsightly dumping in front of neighborhood homes and rights-of-way on Rockland Key.

Solid Waste staff collected 2.55 tons of debris, billed to the residents if found. The Sheriff’s Office also tagged four cars and two boats for possible abandonment and reported a code violation.

“Unfortunately, these types of action must occur when residents don’t take responsibility for the debris they produce; if not, it lands on the taxpayer’s back,” said Director of Monroe County Solid Waste Management Cheryl Sullivan. “We hope to encourage people to take pride in where they live and dispose of debris properly.”

Information on where to legally take yard debris, old cars, boats, motors, or construction material can be found at For large household items, like couches, mattresses, refrigerators, and dressers, most can be picked up for free by contacting your local waste hauler. If you see illegal dumping IN PROGRESS, call 9-1-1. If you see an illegal dumping site that someone left behind, call your local Sheriff’s office substation so they can investigate.

“We want to help keep our community and neighborhoods safe and clean,” she said.

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