Ilze Aguila, Planning Commission Supervisor, Named Monroe County’s Employee of the 4th Quarter 2022

MONROE COUNTY, FL – Ilze Aguila, Planning Commission Supervisor, is named Monroe County’s Employee of the Fourth Quarter for 2022 for exceeding job expectations, noteworthy performance, and her positive impact on her co-workers and community. She started with the County in 2016.

Aguila was recognized for learning GIS software to create the maps required for public notice, staff reports, and individual requests. “This skill acquisition exceeds expectations and is an immeasurable asset to the department,” said Cheryl Cioffari, Assistant Director of Planning, who nominated her. “More impressive, Ilze developed this expertise on her own initiative, in addition to her demanding workload.”

Going above and beyond in several instances, she also volunteered to learn the process of completing ROGO letters when the department needed assistance.

“She shows the ability to be flexible and responsive to changing deadlines, priorities, and individual needs,” said Emily Schemper, director of the department. “For example, a customer requested placement on the agenda for an upcoming meeting after our internal deadlines passed. Ilze revised the public notice, obtained approval from relevant parties, procured the required publication, and updated all related documents. This commitment results in a positive experience for the public.”

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