The Waterfront Playhouse presents “On The Edge” series: Becky Mode’s Full Committed

The Waterfront Playhouse on Mallory Square will present the first in its “On The Edge” series: Becky Mode’s Full Committed. Playing at 8pm Sunday and Monday December 11 and 12. Tickets are available by calling 305-294-5015 or by visiting

Starring Mathias Maloff, currently seen in the hit musical Rock of Ages, Fully Committed tells the tale a struggling actor that keeps having trouble getting roles that he auditions for. As a result of this, he is forced to take a job inside of a top restaurant in New York as a Reservationist.

This job leaves him in a position where he is getting dumped on by his coworkers, management as well as a number of top customers that come to the restaurant on a regular basis. 

Maloff plays approximately 40 characters in this one act whirl wind directed by Tom Thayer.

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