The Florida Keys Community Concert Band and the Mangrove Swamp Band played patriotic music throughout the afternoon.

PLANTATION KEY, FL – The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, the 16th Judicial Circuit Court, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, and Monroe County’s Constitutional Officers invited the public to the grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Plantation Key Courthouse and Government Facility. The ceremony was held Thursday, June 2, just missing major rainstorms that blew through the area due to PTC-1. The Monore County Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard presented the colors, and the Upper Keys Community Key Largo Community Band and The Mangrove Swamp Band played patriotic songs at the event.

The project consolidates the existing functions on the site into a new state-of-the-art 48,240 square foot facility that includes:

  • 16th Judicial Circuit of Florida
  • Monroe County Clerk of the Court
  • State Attorney’s Office
  • Monroe County Sheriff’s Office
  • Monroe County Public Works

“This is a beautiful upgrade to our community that has been a long time in the making,” said Monroe County Mayor David Rice. “There was a great deal of thought put into this project, and I would like to express a special appreciation to the staff and all of those involved who juggled how to build this and keep everything going while we are under construction.”

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