By Ennid “EB” Berger

Buy your tickets now for the entertaining new play with a message, “Hurricane Diane,” that opens on March 22, 2022 at the historic Red Barn Theatre in Key West, The well-respected Red Barn was founded in 1980 by Mimi McDonald, Gary McDonald and Joy Hawkins and is an intimate yet comfortable theatrical venue in Key West. 

 “Hurricane Diane” was written by Pulitzer Prize finalist, Madeleine George. The play, depends on an otherworldly premise of gods in our midst, and is captivating and upbeat while remaining current and topical with its emphasis on environmental issues.  “Hurricane Diane” has been well-received as “an astonishing new play,” by the New York Times, and “incisively smart and boisterously funny,” by the Boston Globe. 

Brilliantly directed by Red Barn’s Artistic Director, Joy Hawkins, the cast of five Key West actors wowed the audience with their moving and hysterically funny monologues and dialogues. Cast as the Greek god Dionysus, Erin McKenna begins the show with an incisive and confident performance.  In a total turnaround from playing starchy Mrs. White in “Clue” at Key West’s Waterfront Playhouse, McKenna bravely changes her speech patterns, her posture and her facial expressions, and this normally beautiful actor becomes an unattractive, rough talking lesbian gardener from Vermont.  Diane, as she calls herself, is aiming to transform four New Jersey housewives into her lovers and acolytes in a movement to save the earth by installing permaculture ecosystems, mimicing a natural environment and including paw-paw trees in each of their gardens.  Diane, aka Dionyysus, Greek god of wine, vegetation and ecstasy, has determined that these four women are prime for seduction and conversion to his/her quest to bring the Earth back to its historic unsullied state.  

The four New Jersey women, who live in identical houses on a very typical northeastern cul de sac, frequently gather for wine, coffee and gossip without giving a thought to how global warming is affecting the earth. The women, all accomplished actresses, are wonderfully played by Caroline Taylor, Susannah Wells, Jessica Miano Kruel and Lauren Thompson.  Their individual performances are enhanced by the creative costuming of Carmen Rodriguez. 

Caroline Taylor, playing an uptight and prim Carol, engages the audience with her captivating interpretation of the role. Featuring conversations that are both engrossing and enlightening, Carol wants to resist Diane and keep her patch of suburban paradise in its over cultivated status quo condition.  Susannah Wells, who very recently played Miss Scarlett in “Clue “at the Waterfront, gives an outstanding performance as hipster Renee who relishes her editorial position at HGTV magazine.  Jessica Miano Kruel, is perfectly cast and costumed as Pam, the petite Italian dynamo whose charismatic performance as a hot mama in the suburbs is totally believable.  Finally, weepy Beth, perfectly played by Lauren Thompson, is riveting as the easily seduced subject of Diane’s onslaught. Both Kruel and Thompson most recently appeared in “Mathilda,” also at the Waterfront Playhouse in Key West.  

Madeline George’s “Hurricane Diane” is based on The Bacchae by Euripedes and is set in an archetypical version of Red Bank, New Jersey.  The innovative and engrossing play combines the drama of four gossiping housewives with the issues of climate change and elements of Greek tragedy. Playwright George effectively used the trope of a Greek chorus of the housewives for comedic and dramatic effect.

Erin McKenna, who gives an outstanding performance as Diane, credits director Joy Hawkins for bringing out her best in this challenging performance.  When asked about this role, McKenna wanted it known that “Hurricane Diane” has made a huge impact on her environmental awareness of her carbon footprint.  She would like audience members to leave with mindful intentions to focus on their impact upon the helping the Earth..  

“Hurricane Diane” will be performed at the Red Barn Theatre from March 22 through April 15, 2022.  Tickets are available at or by calling 305-296-9911.  All shows are at 8pm

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