Mayanjali Cafe Grand Opening during Walk on White Thursday January 15th from 6 – 9:00pm


Shakti Yoga located at 1114 White Street has expanded and is happy to be a part of the Walk on White this Thursday, January 15th from 6 – 9:00pm. Come join us as we happily introduce the Mayanjali Cafe to our ever evolving island community – A soulful space for coffee and tea.


Owner Sofia Artola carefully crafted this one of kind cafe and boutique through her years of travel and Ayurvedic studies. The name Mayanjali comes from her daughters Maya Sofia and Adele Anjali. In sanskrit the name also reflects the meaning of “gift” or “offering”. Shakti Yoga and the Mayanjali Cafe make this offering to you and are dedicated in helping you create a healthy lifestyle on and off the mat, by bringing them all together in one sacred space.


EAT healthy snacks. DRINK tea, coffee, fresh juices and infused herb waters. SHOP the boutique offering environmentally and socially conscious fitness gear and gifts from around the world. Continue to OM, by learning how to deepen and grow your practice from our talented yogis. Join our COMMUNITY in this sacred place which offers all a cozy space to meet and connect with others of like mind and spirit on this unique little island of ours.


Mayanjali is proud to offer products from two homegrown Florida companies.


Panther Coffee was created by husband and wife team Joel Pollock and Leticia Ramos Pollock in the Wynwood art district of Miami. Their goal is to source, roast and prepare the finest coffees in the world while creating a transaction that is mutually beneficial for all participants. Joel uses his 20 years of experience to roast small batches from farms personally selected for taste as well as individuality. It’s no wonder why Panther has become the go-to spot for coffee lovers in Miami.


Get Grounded Footwear is a locally owned and operated footwear company here in Key West specializing in creating affordable and functional Earthing/Grounding sandals. Earthing or Grounding refers to connecting to the Earth’s natural, negative surface charge by being barefoot outdoors or by way of Earthing footwear such as ours.


The terms Earthing or “being grounded” can be heard daily in and around the yoga studio as it pertains to having a connection to the earth below and a relaxed, centered mental state of being. Through certain yoga poses, this sort of grounding presents the body and mind with the opportunity to release anxieties while physically rooting oneself to the earth. Similarly, Earthing or “getting grounded” outside the yoga studio aims to re-connect the body to the earth below and its ever-flowing abundance of electrons helping bring the mind and body back to its natural state of being.

Mayanaji Cafe is located at 1114 White Street. Join us in welcoming a healthy and happy new you in 2015!  For more information visit or call 305-587-4285
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