front row: Volunteer Facilitators Stuart Strickland and Lois Songer, Kelly Cook, Rahn Clayton; center row: John Dell, Marlene Thorn, Patrick Ritter, Darla Fry-Gouvremont, Daunte Aguilar; back row: Tom Washawanny, Stephen Molner, Sarah Dolson, Stanley Shaw, and Robert Goltz. Graduates who were unable to attend were: Alic “Ms Betty” Radics, Tara Salinas, and Maria Protopsaltis.
City Graduates Class 35 of the Ambassadors Academy
The Key West Ambassadors Academy graduated its 35th class during Tuesday’s City Commission meeting. Fourteen enthusiastic citizens participated in the class. They join more than 600 citizens who now have a better insight to the workings of City government. Each class of the Key West Ambassadors Academy has been a special blend of dedicated, involved citizens.
During the City Commission meeting, City Manager Patti McLauchlin congratulated Class 35, noting the dedication it takes to volunteer their time for 12 weeks of delving into the inner workings of city government.
“It’s exciting that you’ve dedicated your time to be here,” she said. “I sincerely appreciate it from a city manager’s point of view. You will be great Ambassadors to go out to our community and share what you’ve learned.”
Two current city leaders — Commissioners Clayton Lopez and Sam Kauffman – were elected after finishing this program. Other alumni have served as commissioners as well as sitting on a variety of other City boards.
The Key West Ambassadors Academy was established in 2003 by then City Manager Julio Avael. Class 36 is slated to begin in mid-January. Applications will be available the first week in December.
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