Key West Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman and Billy the Marlin. Photos courtesy of the Marlins Team photographer.
Kaufman Throws Out Opening Pitch
Key West Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman last weekend threw out the first pitch on opening day of baseball season at the Marlins Stadium.
Some 150 Key Westers were on hand for what the Marlins organization proclaimed as Key West Day.
“I saw that Commission Kaufman did throw a good pitch,” Commissioner Gregory Davila noted during this week’s City Commission meeting. “He didn’t bounce it, and he had so much heat that Billy the Marlin dropped it.”
Marlins Mascot Billy the Marlin came to Key West in July to announce that opening day would be dedicated to Key West. Not only did our elected official throw out the first pitch, but Key West kids went out onto the ballfield during the 7th Inning Stretch to sing “Take me Out to the Ballgame.”
“We had a great time,” said Kaufman. “Key West fans were featured throughout the game on the jumbo screen, each received a t-shirt designed by the Marlins specifically for Key West Day!”
Key Westers were offered a special ticket price of $25, and the Marlins donated $5 of each ticket purchased to the Key West Police Athletic League.
Florida Keys Media’s Rick Lopez worked hard to make the event happen.
“Key West, being baseball town USA,” said Florida Keys Media’s Rick Lopez, “is tied for the most state championships. Baseball is such a big part of the fabric of who we are. And the Marlins are our team.”
“We’re very grateful,” said Kaufman, “and I hope we can make this an annual event.”
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