Walmart is one of the nation’s largest private employers, if not the largest. Profit margin in the extreme.

Walmart has come up with a way to spend some of the extra dollars. A way that will benefit many.

Walmart announced yesterday that it will pay 100 percent of college tuition and books for full and part time employees. The estimated cost over a 5 year period $1 billion. Further estimated 1.5 million Walmart and Sam’s Club employees will benefit.

A requirement for eligibility is that the employee must continue working for Walmart’s or Sam’s club at the same time.

An outstanding benefit. Many will finish the program. Those that do will be fortunate to live a better life because of Walmart’s beneficence.

Sydney, Australia continues to suffer from coronavirus. The numbers surging in spite of a mandated lockdown.

The initial lockdown was four weeks. Sydney announced it is adding another four weeks on.

In addition to the lockdown, masks and social distancing required. Masks must be worn even when inside.

Continued toughness the rule of the day.

Most recent infections are of the Delta variant. A virus that spreads rapidly and easily. An example is a mourning event attended by 50 people in violation of the lockdown rule. Forty five became infected.

‘Nuff said.

Bum Farto. Key West will never forget him.

Bum was the Fire Chief, a pimp, rum runner, drug dealer, etc. He did it all and benefited financially therefrom.

Bum disappeared before he was to be sentenced to federal prison for drug sales. His story much like Jimmy Hoffa’s.

The two birds of a feather in that they disappeared and have not been seen since.

Their disappearance occurred in the same year, 1975. Only 5 weeks apart. Hoffa on July 31, Farto on September 9.

Never found again.

Have they both been sitting on an idyllic beach since 1975, or are both in the foundations of major highways?

Steve Thompson wrote about Bum Farto in TACOS paragraph 13.

His license said “El Jeffe” and he looked like had dough / He said he was the Fire Chief his name was Bum Farto / He wore patent leather shoes and smoked a big cigar / He wore loud flashy clothes and you should have seen his car / Lots of chrome with red lights on top / Girls with short skirts that all looked hot / It was key lime green and all the windows were mirrored / Right then and there I realized, this place is really weird! / He disappeared later when he was indicted / He was charged with cocaine and didn’t want to fight it / Someone came out with a T-shirt in his honor / On the front was a picture of a B-52 bomber / Only one thing on the back it would say / In great big letters, “BUMS AWAY!

Moving on, I hate to do work and then not be able to use it.

I spent several hours yesterday afternoon preparing for last night’s blog talk radio show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. When I went to sign in. The announcement was there would be no broadcasting for 24 hours.

Some may say, so what? You can always use the material next week. No so. It will be dated.

May this “problem” be the worse to confront me these days!

Enjoy your day!

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