The Rotary Club of the Upper Keys Awards $145,000 in Scholarships
The Rotary Club of the Upper Keys (UKR) is pleased to announce the Upper Keys Rotary Foundation awarded $145,250 in scholarships to local graduating seniors and current college students. Scholarship amounts ranged from $500-$5,000 and included several scholarships administered by the Upper Keys club.
All scholarship recipients complete an extensive application, which included a video submission in lieu of a live interview. The Scholarship Committee reviews each application and video submission for merit, need and community service.
The total scholarship amount awarded includes a donation of $30,000 to the Take Stock in Children program, which is matched by the not-for-profit Monroe County Education Foundation, as well as $10,000 to Key Largo Rotary to award additional scholarships.
“The annual Gigantic Nautical Flea Market couldn’t go on this year, but the need for scholarships funds existed,” said Club President Jill Miranda Baker. “We organized a Scholarship Appeal and with the community’s support, raised more than $86,000 and we added funds from our reserve funds to make scholarships a reality”
The Upper Keys Rotary, established in 1967, meets weekly at 12 noon at Capt. Craig’s Restaurant. For more information about Upper Keys Rotary, check us out at, on Facebook or call President Jill Miranda Baker at 305-304-0052.
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