The City of Key West Will Use Key West Connect to Improve Quality of Life, Encourage Greater Civic Participation
Key West, Florida – Do you see something that needs fixing? Is there a new pothole in your street? Maybe a large pile of furniture on the side of the road is making your neighborhood ugly. Well, beginning today, reporting and fixing these issues is just an app away!
Today, the City of Key West has partnered with SeeClickFix to announce a new platform called Key West Connect that will allow citizens to report quality-of-life issues and request City of Key West services.
With the free Key West Connect mobile app and web tools, Key West citizens will now be able to provide the staff with pictures, videos, specific descriptions, and more — valuable information needed to get the job done efficiently. In addition, Key West Connect provides the City of Key West officials with a centralized management system to manage and rectify issues from creation to resolution — engaging the citizens throughout the process.
“Key West Connect gives the community a direct line to the City. It provides us an organized system to centrally manage incoming requests for services,” said IT Director Dave Monroe, whose team has been working to provide this new service. “Key West Connect makes it easy for anyone to let the City know there’s an issue and to get it fixed.”
Key West Connect also provides any City information you need, right at your fingertips. Search for a job, check out the pickup schedule for your solid waste, get a calendar of events: All just a click away on your phone. Key West Connect will even provide a quick link to the City’s various social media pages.
The app is available for both iPhone and Androids; just search “Key West Connect” in the App Store or Google Play. Or click on the links:
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