City Commissioners Sponsor Resolution to Approve AHI of Monroe Affordable Housing Development at Truman Waterfront (3.2 Acres)

To: Honorable Members of the City of Key West BVRAC
Re: Truman Waterfront Affordable Housing Proposal

Dear Chairman Castillo:

First, I want to express gratitude for your service and the service of your fellow advisory board members. Your service to our community is very important and I thank you all. Your input is also very important. As I am unable to be present with you this evening, I am writing this note to you because your vote tonight is such an important one.

I am writing to urge you and your board to give consideration to the AHI development proposal. Their proposal far exceeds goals the City has contemplated for any affordable housing project in recent memory and specifically for the development of affordable housing at the Truman Waterfront 3.2 acres. This is an opportunity to advance affordable housing in the best interests for our workforce and residents who are in need of  affordable housing.

The AHI proposal, unlike any other the City has ever received previously to my knowledge includes 100% of the units built to be dedicated affordable housing units. This is so fantastic that I must repeat this – this is a proposal which provides 100% units built to be permanently deeded as affordable housing. How proud we will all be with a 100% affordable housing project.

The AHI proposal includes affordable home ownership which is very important for our working families. AHI of Monroe is a local agency who will be careful to meet the expectations of our community; who will listen to us and our concerns during the project; who will be sensitive to the unique and important history of this public land; and AHI is a local agency with a proven record of building truly affordable housing.

I sincerely understand the importance of the competitive bid process via the formal request for proposals. There are very rare exceptions when we should not favor competitive bids and this is just one instance. The City Commission has repeatedly heard from private developers over the past six years of my tenure on this subject. Private developers have repeatedly stated to the city commission that they would not be able to develop a 100% affordable housing project and that they would not be able to include low or very low income units, unlike the AHI proposal provides. We, as a commission, have never had any other group propose a 100% affordable housing development such as this proposal.

Please take these comments into consideration. Have a great meeting and I look forward to working with all of you on this project and more in the future.


Sam Kaufman

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