In 2016, Hillary was unquestionably the winner going into election day. Turned out she was not to the surprise of many. I one of them.
Wherever significant, the polls had Hillary 2-3 points ahead. Donald won most of those states via the Electoral College.
As a result, many have little faith in polls in 2020.
Biden has a 4-5 point lead in certain significant states. Should make the difference. Hopefully.
If so, Biden will be President. If not, 4 more years of Trump. The country will not survive if such is the case.
Donald Trump Jr. is cut from the same clothe as his father. Bullish. Knows it all.
A day or two ago, Donald Jr. dismissed off hand the number of coronavirus deaths. Claimed “the numbers are almost nothing.” He so spoke on a day when the number of deaths was 1,000.
The same day, Donald Sr. claimed “deaths were way down.”
Some do not like to play by the rules. Wilbur Ross is Trump’s Secretary of Commerce. His moral character on a level with Trump’s.
Trump promised 4 years ago to “clean the swamp.” Instead, he added to it.
One of the additions is Wilbur Ross, though neither arrested nor charged with any criminal activity.
The U.S. has been engaged in a trade war with China since 2017. A trade war which has hurt the economy of each nation.
Cabinet members are not supposed to have any connection with a foreign nation. The rule dd not seem to bother Ross.
When Ross became Secretary of Commerce, he signed a letter confirming he had no connection with the Chinese Company Huaneng nor was he a member of Huaneng’s Board or WLR’s Board. A few years earlier, Ross’s company W.L. Ross & Company had entered into a joint venture with Huaneng and Ross became a Board member.
His letter of 2/27/17 was not correct. He had not disengaged himself from any Chinese ventures, was a Board member of the joint venture company, etc.
Ross did not leave the Board seat till late 2019.
It appears Ross was a Board member during the years the U.S was engaged (and still is) in the trade war with China.
Ross placed himself in a difficult position as a result. One cannot serve 2 masters at one time.
Tucker Carlson is the infamous FOX political commentator. His present show “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
Carlson recently broke the record for being the highest rated monthly news show in the history of cable news. His audience 5.4 million per night. His salary much more than that number.
A couple of weeks ago, it was announced Carlson is considering running for President on the Republican ticket in 2024.
A horror! He reminds me often of Donald Trump.
Strange things frequently occur. Most recently in New Zealand.
Two items were on the ballot for approval. Euthanasia and recreational marijuana.
The populace voted for euthanasia and rejected recreational marijuana.
The euthanasia law will permit doctors to legally prescribe a lethal dose of medicine to patients suffering from terminal illnesses wherein their lives were likely to end within 6 months.
Seems like the whole of the U.S. is voting early or by absentee ballot. Even here in Monroe County. Early voting is up 52 percent as of this past wednesday.
May Johnson. Our lady of the past amuses and concerns me. In today’s vernacular, surface wise she appears to be a “good girl.” I wonder, however.
Last night she danced with Charlie at La Brisa. Did not get home till midnight.
In the meantime, her “love” Everest continues to work out of town.
I had another hospital test yesteryear. Drove down Duval afterward. Around noon. This is the last friday of the faux Fantasy Fest.
More people than previously reported. Up to 30 percent of the crowd that would normally be walking Duval on this particular day.
Not one person wearing a mask.
Tonight, the parade. Twenty some odd floats. No means of propulsion needed. They will move down Duval on a moving track.
The size of this year’s floats dictating how they are to move. The floats cannot be larger than 18 inches, nor higher than 18 inches, nor wider than 18 inches.
Ain’t going to be any nude ladies on these floats!
Enjoy your day!
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