Letter to the Editor / PROTECT OUR ELECTIONS
By Roger C.Kostmayer
There are lots of ways to steal an election. Trump, many Republican politicians and Putin seem to be trying them all in the United States- voter suppression, fear, chaos, the US Postal Service, foreign attacks and interference, collusion, delaying & cancelling elections and refusing to leave office after defeat.
Around the world, elections are stolen almost routinely, often by dictators in countries that claim to be democracies. If that’s the rule, we are the exception – until now. What makes American democracy unique is our ability to peacefully transfer political power on a regular basis. Al Gore in 2000, and Dick Nixon in 1960, each had good reasons and the legal right to challenge the results after losing their Presidential race. But each very different man representing very different political parties, knew that a challenge would divide the people and harm the country permanently – so they conceded.
Most adult Americans know that losing can be painful and, sometimes, unfair. But they understand why they must shake hands, congratulate the winner and smile through their pain. But, like no other American president, the current White House occupant has neither the character nor the intellect to put country first in critical moments. What this fact means is that we, the people, from every political party, must rise up, avoid ostrich-like instincts, and protect our most prized national possession – trust in free and fair elections. Failure is not an option.
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Wow what a collection of unfounded conspiracy theories.