We all watch television. What did you think in recent weeks when you saw the protesting in Washington, D.C., Seattle, and Portland?
What will you think if Trump keeps his word and sends his “secret forces” into Chicago, New York City and Baltimore?
I refer not to just the protesters. Protesters are protesters. Something is wrong and they want it corrected. Protesting is where a people let the government know they are not happy. Change is born of the protesting.
Such has been the American way.
Pray tell, when was the last time you saw demonstrations so much out of hand? Every evening feeling tonight is the night! Breakout time! Full battle gear, guns and all! Americans killing Americans!
The time is coming. It is close. Just around the corner.
There is a growing frustration among the American people. Americans have lost their ability to shape government policies and structures. Democratic type government is rapidly slipping out of the hands of the American people.
America was born of revolution. Its Founding Fathers believed another revolution would not be required. The vote was the weapon to remove corrupt and inept officials in the future.
Such was the case till Donald Trump. In 3 1/2 years, he has screwed up everything he has touched. His failures too many to list in their entirety. Included are his mishandling of coronavirus, the economy, our friends for years no longer our friends, his sucking up to authoritarian leaders, sending secret police onto the streets of our cities, etc.
Rebellions/revolutions have been many since man’s beginning. I have selected four to briefly discuss.
The first for all Americans of course is the Boston Tea Party. December 16, 1973. Dumping 303 chests of tea in Boston harbor a political protest. King George III and Parliament referred to the colonists as “anarchists.” The same word Trump uses to describe protesters.
George and Parliament retaliated. Passed the Intolerable Acts which ended self government in Massachusetts.
Did even more. Invited the American Revolution in 1775.
The French Revolution was a 10 year event. A social and political upheaval. Began with storming the Bastille in 1789, ended in 1799. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lost their heads. The monarchy was overthrown.
Several different forms of government were tried over the next 10 years. Even one with Napoleon as its leader.
Even to recent times, the French people have been flexible. They have not hesitated to change various parts of their government as the need arose.
The American Civil War in the 1860’s to some extent reflective of the U.S. of today.
Two sides. The North and the South. Each had come to view their political opponents in the extreme. Demonic ways, also. The two found it impossible to find a middle ground.
Lincoln’s confidence waned many times during the war. He sometime questioned whether he was correct that “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from this earth.”
A new U.S. civil war could be around the corner.
The Russian Revolution. A political and social conflict, also.
The Czar was a poor monarch. Lousy more descriptive. Trump similar to the Czar. Each a major screw up.
The monarchy was abolished in 1917. The Russian Civil War ended in 1923 when the Bolshevik’s established the Soviet Union.
The Soviet Union a perfect example of how the mighty can fall. In 1991, the Soviet Union ceased to exist.
Steve King was a Congressman from Iowa for many years. He was defeated in a recent Republican primary.
King was far right. No question where he stood. Authoritarian to the last drop of his blood.
At one time, he said, “The red states have “8 trillion bullets” in the event of a civil war.
A Trump similarity…..I’m a tough guy, don’t screw with me!
I am worried. Very worried. The straw that broke my back re the possibility of rebellion occurred in Portland this past week. Who the hell are these secret police. How dare Trump even use such persons in the Portland circumstances or any other in our beloved land?
We are not an authoritarian run government…..yet! Nor are we a banana republic!
It’s tuesday! My blog talk radio show tonight at 9 my time. Tuesday Talk With Key West Lou. I have 10 hours material to squeeze into 30 minutes. No way! What I do get in I guarantee will be interesting.
Enjoy your day!
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It’s some weird strange end game Trump has creates all the problems and then becomes the solution the man is a psychopath Sociopath whatever can’t wait to the state of New York puts him in jail when he leaves office You’ll see Donald Trump is the biggest criminal ever elected in the United States his future is making Pinocchio in fairytales look like an honest man