City Requires Mask When Not in Residence

In light of the dramatic increase in Covid-19 cases over the past few weeks, the City of Key West has amended its directive pertaining to mask requirements.

Effective immediately, every person over the age of six, while physically located in the City of Key West and who is away from their residence, is required to wear a mask, regardless of whether social distancing is maintained.

This 3rd Amendment to Emergency Directive 2020-13 also directs operators and employees of business establishments to ensure that every individual in the establishment complies with this directive.

It continues to allow restaurant patrons to remove their mask only when seated at a table and eating or drinking.

Individuals violating this directive are subject to a second-degree misdemeanor charge, which carries fines up to $500 and potential prison terms of up to 60 days, with higher penalties for repeated offenses.

“We cannot stress how important it is that we slow this infection rate down,” said City Manager Greg Veliz. “We have limited medical support on this small island, and the counties north of us are major national hot spots. Please, everyone, take personal responsibility and wear a mask.”

The directive can be found in its entirety at

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