Letter to the Editor / Emergency Critical Thinking
By Jerrold Weinstock
MD (scientist , ecologist. Author, Doctor of Medicine)
The path we are engaged in regarding the viral disease may be ( directed by politics– completely wrong,
scientifically) the path that lowers our immune system, Psychologically a total disaster:. We, being social animals that matrix produced and ordered disrupting our lives significantly—lowers our immune system –psychologically, and neuro-physiologically not the right direction. Our lives cannot be torn, shredded and expected to strengthen our immune system. Washing our hands—of course, -but a torn social system impacting our lives plunges our immune factors way down.
Yes, government restrictions are the path producing lowering immunity, making us much more vulnerable to even this moderate infection. Corona virus is not necessarily lethal with supportive care
Government restrictions have to be Avoided as they are the real issue producing depression and YES, suicide ——————we are NOT a totalitarian state quite . yet. revolution is in h wind unless our
social fabric is DESTROYED It will be unless we fight for what is meaningful. REBEL ! to each and every one of us. I have a degree in infectious disease and ecology.
Fight for our lives to be restored ! REBEL !!
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Talk about BS literature this guy is out there and probably loves himself!
A gun in my face will cause tremendous anxiety. Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Yes our friends and neighbors will need emotional support for a long time into the future.
#keysstrong #keyshealthy #flattenthecurve
The only excuse for this post is that you were hacked. If not you are extremely irresponsible and need a doctors help.