Retiring Fire Chief Davila Honored

After a 34 career with the Key West Fire Department, Fire Chief Michael Davila was honored at last night’s City Commission meeting where he was met with a standing ovation. City Manager Greg Veliz took the opportunity to acknowledge the dedication and commitment that went into such a successful career, not only the series of promotions with their increased levels of responsibility, but the mettle that made those promotions possible. He noted the nights away from family, the responsibility of leadership and of keeping the community safe.

“I’ve seen a lot of changes over the 34 years of my career, all positive,” said Davila. “It’s been my honor and privilege to lead such a professional group of guys and women.”

Davila noted that he is most proud of attaining a Class One certification for the department, a rating that is not only rare, but brings Key West property owners lower insurance rates.

Commissioner Billy Wardlow – himself a retired Key West Fire Chief called Davila “my main man. Michael taught me a lot and I taught him. He did one hell of a job. Thank you for all you’ve done for the city.”

Wardlow was a captain with the department when Davila came on board.

Veliz then introduced the City’s new Fire Chief, Alan Averette, who has been with the department since 1998.

“I am humbled by the titled I’m being honored with,” said Averette, “but more so by the caliber of people I’m about to represent. The men and women of the Key West Fire Department are class one and second to none.”

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