Middle Keys Alcohol Coalition Checks

On Feb. 20, 2020, The Sheriff’s Office Special Investigations Division conducted an operation to check businesses that sell alcohol in the Middle Keys. Thirteen businesses were checked, including: restaurants, convenience stores, and bars. One business was found to be non-compliant.

  • Circle K, located at 13100 Overseas Highway in Marathon. The store’s clerk, Luis Lopez-Hernandez, was issued a Notice to Appear for the Sale of Alcohol to a Minor.

The employee can face a maximum penalty up to: 60 days in jail, a $500.00 fine, $235.00 in court costs, and $75.00 in costs of prosecution.

The business can face a maximum penalty up to:

1st Offense — $1000 fine and a 7 day suspension of their alcoholic beverage license.

2nd Offense — $3000 fine and a 30 day suspension of their alcoholic beverage license.

3rd Offense – Permanent revocation of their alcoholic beverage license.

The remaining businesses were in compliance with the law. This operation was conducted in cooperation with the Monroe County Coalition for a Safe and Drug Free Community.

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