Ed Russo Commended by City Commission

Mayor Teri Johnston and the entire City Commission on Wednesday commended outgoing Planning Board member Ed Russo for his dedicated service to the City.

“Mr. Russo brought to the Planning Board a degree of professionalism and thoughtfulness that exemplify an excellent Planning Board member,” reads the commendation. “Vice-Mayor Sam Kaufman recognizes Mr. Russo for his outstanding dedication for more than four years as an appointee to the Planning Board and congratulates Mr. Russo for his recent appointment by the Governor of Florida.”

“I speak my mind in terms of environmental issues,” said Russo, noting that he had to step down from the Planning Board when Governor Ron DeSantis appointed him to a state board that regulates ports and harbors.

“The Governor said he wanted to surround himself with people with a strong environmental ethic,” said Russo, “and send a strong message to the cruise ship industry.”

Russo’s stepping down leaves an open seat to which Commissioner Sam Kaufman makes the appointment. He is currently seeking applicants to fill the seat.

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