The United States Armed Services have many programs that are useful in furthering possible career paths, and the Air Force offers one that meets at Key West High School called Civil Air Patrol (CAP). With eight regions and 52 wings, they have groups within those wings, and within those groups are squadrons. Squadron FL-462 (Key West Squadron), falls under the Florida Wing, and is one of the 31 squadrons in group seven. 

(From left to right), C/A1C Cara Hehe, C/SrA Kristina Duncan, C/A1C James Wrazen, Cadet Austin Deli’a, C/TSgt Nick Mayer, C/SrA Arturo Torres, and C/Maj Harrison Simmons.
Photo Provided

Cadet Major (C/Maj.) Harrison Simmons explains what the program is about, “CAP is a volunteer organization with an aviation-minded membership that includes people from all backgrounds, lifestyles, and occupations. It performs three key missions: emergency services which include search and rescue (by air and ground), disaster relief operations, aerospace education for youth and the general public, and cadet programs for teenage youth.”

The Key West Cadet Squadron’s Chain of Command has many senior members such as 1st Lt. Mary Simmons, as well as Key West High School students: cadet commander C/Maj Harrison Simmons, Cadet Master Sergeant (C/MSgt) Kristina Duncan as First Sergeant, and Cadet Staff Sergeant (C/SSgt) Arturo Torres as Flight Sergeant.

According to the high-ranking cadets, flight has been their best experience, and their main reason for joining. Many of them have been in for at least two years, with some belonging as long as five. As C/SSgt. Torres states, “My best moment in CAP was my first time flying. The experience felt surreal as I hugged the oak tightly with no fear, but only excitement and a new drive to fly planes.”

C/MSgt Duncan describes his personal favorite, “My best moment in CAP was when I went to my second encampment (a boot camp, basically) and graduated as one of the top cadets in my squadron. It also opened my eyes to all of the opportunities that CAP holds.”

Encampment is one of the experiences that CAP has to offer, and it is also the gateway to going to CAP’s true meat and potatoes: National Cadet Special Activities. C/Maj Harrison Simmons states, “CAP also has several leadership activities over the summer, like Cadet Officer School.”

1st Lt. Mary Simmons, a senior member states, “Whether you want to fly airplanes, participate in real life search and rescue missions, get certified in cyber security, or get scholarships and recommendations to our nation’s service academies, the Key West CAP program can help you achieve your goal.”

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