Three Plant City, Florida construction workers were arrested early Friday morning after a large fight erupted at a Marathon motel.

Ever Perez-Morales was charged with battery. Enrique Perez-Rodriguez was charged with property damage and Linderr Perez-Rodriguez was charged with resisting arrest.

Multiple Deputies responded to the Siesta Motel, 7425 Overseas Highway, at approximately 12:30 a.m. regarding a large fracas underway involving as many as 10 people. The Deputies arrived to find multiple people shoving each other and yelling. The noted furniture in one of the motel rooms was damaged.

Deputies described a chaotic scene as they separated the parties. Witnesses stated all the men were related, work together and had been drinking for much of the previous day. Deputies could not get statements from some at the scene due to their level of intoxication. One witness stated Ever Perez-Morales and Linderr Perez-Rodriguez began fighting. The witness stated others attempted to intervene, but a larger ruckus then ensued “amongst the family (members) due to all of us being intoxicated.”

There were no serious injuries reported.

A manager at the motel valued the broken furniture at $1,800.

Deputies took the three men they determined to be primary aggressors to jail.

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